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Basic knowledge of locks and types and uses of locks

The lock refers to the appliance that plays the role of sealing, including lock, key and its accessories (bolt, zipper, buckle, etc.). The lock introduced in this reference book only refers to the category of "lock", and the lock is generally interpreted as "a seal that can only be opened with a key". At present, in addition to opening with a key, the lock can also be opened with instructions such as light, electricity, magnetism and sound. Locks are not only protective articles, but also have the functions of "management" and "decoration".

Lock is a familiar and commonly used industrial product in people's life. Because it has a certain confidentiality performance, it gives people a sense of security. Installing locks in necessary places has become a security guarantee measure for people. Almost everyone wears keys in life. When people hand over the keys to others (such as entrusting neighbors to keep them) It has become an expression of trust. There is also a etiquette in international exchanges, which uses the gift of symbolic "keys" as an expression of friendship.

This chapter introduces the development of lock industry at home and abroad, explains the classification and classification methods of locks, explains the special terms of lock industry, and analyzes the structure and principle of common locks.

Overview of lock industry

1、 Development and trend of locks

Locks have a long history. After the emergence of private ownership in human society, it is necessary to protect personal safety and private property. With the development and intensification of class and class contradictions in human society, the improvement of productivity, and the development of science and technology, the performance and structure of the lock are constantly developing from low-level to medium and high-level, the shape is constantly changing, the use is constantly expanding, the confidentiality performance and protection efficiency of the lock are also continuously strengthened, and the shape decoration of the lock is becoming more and more novel and unique.

At present, the fourth generation of marble structure locks are still the majority of lock products in China, and the fifth generation of electronic lock products are few. Generally speaking, although the marble structure lock has certain safety and reliability, it is far from perfect. For example, this kind of lock must use the corresponding key when opening, and the key must be carried with you, which is neither troublesome nor safe. Once the corresponding key is compromised, such as the key is stolen or copied, the lock will lose its safety protection function. Today, when people's material life is not very rich, we still need to seek locks with multiple functions, certain decorative effects, more safe, reliable and convenient to use. Therefore, all kinds of new locks came into being.

At present, there are lock products using new technologies such as sound, light, electricity, magnetism and heat in the world, such as electronic lock, magnetic lock, voice control lock, fingerprint lock, remote control lock, alarm lock, etc. These locks abandon the opening principle of mechanical locks with marble structure and use brand-new technology and special mechanisms. Therefore, their performance greatly exceeds that of current marble and blade locks. These locks have excellent performance, but they are expensive and can not be widely accepted. At present, China only produces these advanced locks in a few varieties and batches, but with the increasing improvement of people's living standards, modern locks will be widely welcomed by people.

In the future, the function of high-grade locks should not only play a locking role, but also be multifunctional. They should have video recording, language storage, alarm, anti-theft and other devices, and can help people manage and decorate. For example, when people go out and enter the door, the lock will record it as the information of the appearance and characteristics of the people in and out. When the host leaves home, he can send a message to the lock. As long as the guest's information is sent to the lock's memory device in advance, the lock can greet and see off the guest (i.e. open and close the door), and can have a simple conversation with the guest to remember the requirements put forward by the guest. If necessary, the lock can immediately notify the host of relevant matters by using the telecommunication message (when the host goes out, input the destination into the lock memory device). The lock can also be equipped with a control mechanism for adjusting temperature, humidity and air pressure. When it is necessary to adjust indoor temperature, humidity and air pressure, the lock can control the opening or closing of doors and windows. The lock can also prevent outsiders who are not friends from entering the room. If necessary, it can also call the police or fight (use mechanical devices to suddenly prevent people from coming.)

With the improvement of people's living standards, locks are required not only as a locking appliance, but also as an ornament. Therefore, the development trend of locks will be beautiful appearance, precision manufacturing, excellent texture and convenient opening.

2、 Comparison of lock production status at home and abroad

(1) Major lock producing countries

The main lock producing countries in the world are the United States, Britain, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, India, Israel and China. Among them, the countries with better production technology are federal Germany, Italy, the United States, Japan, Britain and Israel. Most of the world's famous brand locks are concentrated in these countries. Among them, the United States has the highest output of padlocks, with an annual sales volume of about US $2.8 billion, 30% of which are sold in the international market. Drawer locks are famous in Britain and Italy, and door locks are mainly in the United States, Federal Germany and Italy. Italy is also an important producer of lock making equipment.

China is also a large lock making country in the world, with a complete lock making I industry system. In the 1990s, China produced 560 million locks per year, with a total output value of more than 2 billion yuan. Up to now, China has become the world's largest lock producer and consumer. According to statistics, the annual sales of the domestic lock industry is more than 30 billion yuan, the production capacity is 2 billion sets, and the annual export volume is more than 1.2 billion US dollars. With people's increasing demand for decorative home hardware, the lock market will still grow at a high speed of more than 20% per year in the future. In the huge lock market, which products are popular and which products are the best-selling, I make a simple summary here, hoping to help locksmiths and sellers..... China's lock export trade value ranked fourth in the world before 2000 (the first is the Federal Republic of Germany, with an annual trade volume of 209 million US dollars; the second is Italy, with an annual trade volume of 183 million US dollars; the third is the United States, with an annual trade volume of 160 million US dollars; China is close to France, with an annual trade volume of about 123 million US dollars). Among them, the export of drawer locks accounts for 48% of the total international sales volume, ranking the first in the world.

Lock production mode

The more advanced lock making countries in the world basically adopt the intelligent sealing production mode. When raw materials come in, they do not leave the factory door for parts processing, auxiliary processing, finished product assembly, finished product packaging and finished products leave the factory. China's lock making enterprises adopt the cooperative open production mode, and raw materials do not enter the factory. Most of the semi-finished products such as core holders, stamping parts, plates and castings are produced by external cooperative units Advanced lock manufacturing countries pay great attention to improving the processing accuracy of parts. The manufacturing of locks will never be rough, but improve the manufacturing accuracy and assembly accuracy of lock parts according to the processing requirements of mechanical products, and adopt advanced technology, technology and equipment to control and detect the processing process of parts, so as to ensure the production and assembly quality of lock parts.

Lock processing machinery

At present, foreign advanced enterprises also adopt three generations of technology to coexist, that is, retain some manual operation and simple machine tools to meet the needs of multi variety and small batch production. However, most parts are processed by automatic machining machine tools for batch production. These mechanical equipment adopt numerical control, hydraulic pressure and pneumatic. Especially pneumatic is the most widely used. Foreign cutting processing is basically arranged Several or all processes are automatically completed on one mechanical equipment. For example, in key processing, the milling of key teeth, marking and ring of key ring are completed on one machine, which not only improves the work efficiency, but also connects the milling key teeth and ring key ring together, so as to avoid confusion between key transmission during processing. Another example is the lock joint processing machine tool produced in Italy, which can continuously complete feeding The lock body cuts off the two arc surfaces, push cutting, press milling, slope milling, upper and lower processes, which can not only improve the accuracy, but also improve the efficiency.

China's lock making industry has gradually changed from backward handicraft production to mechanized production since the 1950s. At present, the lock making machinery has developed from the mechanical generation driven by cam, gear and belt to pneumatic, hydraulic, electric and computer-controlled semi-automatic and automatic machinery. For example, the combined jet multi station drilling machine can continuously process six holes at a time Press the trademark. It used to take several processes to assemble the lock beam. Now it can be completed at one time on an automatic assembly machine. The automatic packaging machine can pack 13000 locks a day. NC marble machine, NC key milling machine, hydraulic, photoelectric control grooving machine, electrostatic spraying, far-infrared drying, die casting, cold extrusion, hot pressing, powder metallurgy, aluminum alloy, zinc alloy, engineering plastics, high New technologies, new processes, new materials and new equipment of high-efficiency special machine tools have been popularized and applied.

Development direction of lock industry in China

1. Actively transform old equipment and widely adopt new materials and technologies.

New technology with the development of mechanical industry, the machinery of lock making industry and other machinery are also developing in the direction of high efficiency, high quality and low consumption. In order to make China's lock machinery manufacturing industry enter the advanced ranks of mechanical product processing, we should absorb the advantages of foreign advanced lock making machinery and actively develop lock making machinery suitable for China's national conditions.

At present, most of the lock products in China are made of ordinary ferrous metal, and the manufacturing accuracy of the equipment is low. Therefore, the precision of the lock products is poor, the appearance is not beautiful, and the high-grade lock market can not be opened. We should abandon the old equipment, and timely and locally transform the existing equipment that can still be transformed, so as to improve its manufacturing accuracy and production efficiency. At the same time, we should improve the foreign advanced lock making equipment Carry out technical measurement, absorb and digest, and manufacture a number of multi station, high-precision and high-efficiency machine tools suitable for China's national conditions, so as to make them play a backbone role in the lock industry. In the parts and materials of medium and high-grade lock products, alloy materials, composite materials, engineering plastics and other abrasion resistant materials should be reasonably used to improve the retention of lock accuracy and service life. Spraying, spray welding and extrusion New processes and technologies such as hot pressing and hot pressing are of great use in the processing of lock parts.

2. Carry out the "three modernizations" of lock products

At present, countries with developed lock industry have a wide variety of designs and colors. One of their main experiences is to realize the standardized, serialized and universal production of products. Although China has explored the "three modernizations" in the past, due to the influence of China's lock industrial system, production mode and technical level, the development of enterprises is unbalanced and the effect is not significant.

American "best" Best of the lock making company popularized the lock cylinder parts more than 50 years ago, and its standard lock cylinder can be used in the whole lock product series. Dom of Federal Germany has realized the standardization of lock cylinder, lock body, key and marble, and combined a variety of serialized and universal lock heads and devices. DOM has two lock factories, with more than 700 people in large factories and about 150 people in small factories , they produce about 1080 kinds of locks, with an annual output of about 10 million and an annual sales of 100 million marks. It can be seen that the "three modernizations" of enterprise products will bring great development to the enterprise.

Types and uses of locks

The types of locks develop with the improvement of scientific level and production technology, and become more and more numerous with the expansion of use. At present, there are thousands of lock varieties in the world, which are really colorful. There are electronic locks, voice control locks, fingerprint locks, eye locks, induction locks, magnetic locks, video locks, remote control locks, etc. with modern technology; marble locks with mechanical structure , rotary lock, blade lock, etc. there are micro locks as small as several grams, and giant locks weighing several tons and up to several meters. According to the structure of locks and low-grade locks. According to the national standards of the people's Republic of China, locks are classified into padlocks, building locks, furniture locks, self driving locks, industrial locks and special [] Locks and other 56 categories. The classification of locks is roughly as follows: anti-theft door lock, anti-theft cabinet lock, safe lock, safe lock, vault anti-theft lock, mechanical password lock, push-button mechanical password lock, electronic anti-theft lock, password lock, fingerprint lock, card lock, fire-proof wide lock, luggage lock, anti-theft automobile and motorcycle lock, induction lock, sound control lock, software lock, induction lock, biometric lock, etc See the lock classification table on the next page.

Purpose of padlock

Padlock is the oldest and largest family in the lock world. It can be said that other locks are derived from padlock. The lock body of padlock is equipped with a ring or "I" shaped metal stem that can be buckled, namely "lock beam", so that the padlock can be directly buckled with the lock body through the lock beam to form a closed lock (see color picture page 1) Because of this structural feature, the padlock is convenient, flexible and widely used. It can replace other locks, but other locks can not replace the padlock. It is an ideal disaster prevention locking device, but the padlock must be interlocked with the convex perforated parts of the closed object to play the locking role, and does not have the function of closing and opening inside and outside It cannot be applied in some occasions, for example, in some occasions with high decorative requirements or supporting locks, padlocks are generally not suitable.

Classification of padlocks

There are many types and specifications of padlocks. Generally, the size of the lock is determined according to the width of the lock body, the purpose of the lock is determined according to the height of the lock beam, and the series of locks is determined according to the opening methods such as direct opening, horizontal opening, top opening and double opening of the padlock. Our commonly used padlocks generally adopt direct opening and horizontal opening.

That is, when the key is inserted into the key slot of the lock cylinder, the lock that can be pulled up without rotation is called "top lock". This kind of padlock is especially suitable for the opener holding a baby or carrying items that are not suitable for putting down. The so-called "double padlock" It refers to a lock that can only be opened when two keys work. It has strong confidentiality and is suitable for occasions where two people need to keep it and two people arrive at the same time to open the lock, such as warehouse, silver warehouse, etc.

Classification of padlocks

In addition to the classification of padlocks according to the opening mode (direct opening, horizontal opening, top opening and double opening), we can also classify them according to the internal structure of padlocks. The common ones are the above: marble structure padlocks

Flat key padlock

This kind of lock uses cylindrical spring to set obstacles in the lock cylinder, so that the lock cylinder can not rotate and achieve the function of locking. The spring structure is also one of the commonly used structures of locks. The lock body of one kind of lock is overlapped with metal sheets, giving people a thick and solid feeling, which is called "thousand layer lock" However, its internal structure is also a marble structure, so it also belongs to the marble structure padlock. This kind of lock uses sheet metals with different shapes to act as obstacles and achieve the purpose of locking. This kind of structure is often used in zinc alloy or its word alloy locks.

Magnetic structure padlock

According to the principle of magnetic repulsion, a magnetic lock cylinder system is adopted. A constant magnetic metal partition plate with the same magnetic plate as the key is installed between the lock cylinder slot and the safety pin. The key does not directly contact the safety pin. When the groovless magnetic key is smoothly inserted into the lock cylinder slot and rotates, the key touches the metal partition plate, resulting in strong repulsive force, which can easily open the lock. In addition, magnetic is also used According to the principle of mutual attraction, the metal plate is sucked tightly and the lock is opened by the spring.

Chain structure padlock

It is composed of a main lock and an auxiliary lock. The main and auxiliary locks have mutual protection function. Connecting two auxiliary locks means locking the main lock. The main lock can be opened only after opening and removing the two auxiliary locks. A sliding plate mechanism is installed in the lock body shell of the lock, its hole and groove are connected, which can move and rotate, the number plate is connected with the rotator, and the rotator is equipped with tooth shaped or cam shaped metal blades, which can rotate and move only To dial the correct number, the lock can be opened by itself. This kind of lock has no key.

There are many kinds of building door locks with different types, beautiful appearance, flexible opening and good confidentiality. It can meet the needs of disaster prevention and locking of all kinds of building doors. It is an ideal lock for families, hotels, passages and other places.

Classification of building door locks

The classification method of building door locks is generally based on the classification of standard locks issued by the Ministry of light industry (for Trial Implementation), as well as the confidentiality structure performance of lock head, product use performance, shape and color, surface treatment, etc. the single tongue single insurance door lock (i.e. positive insurance door lock) is characterized by easy locking. As long as the building door is closed, the door will be locked,

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